A Complete Unknown 3

Bob Dylan may be 83 years old today, “A Complete Unknown” has come along and changed the times, presenting Dylan as a young man again in the image of Timothéé Chalamet. I am no longer the 17 year-old who was bowled over by “Blood On The Tracks” in 1975 but this biopic made me want to share the story of how I went seriously Dylan. Here’s the final episode.

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A Complete Unknown 2

Have you seen “A Complete Unknown”? I recommend it. My door to Dylan was not a biopic but a biography which sent me in search of Dylan songs at a time when Dylan was no longer making music. Here’s episode 2 of my story about searching for a complete unknown.

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A Complete Unknown

The release of the Bob Dylan biopic “A Complete Unkown” makes this a perfect time for a whole new generation to discover a great artist. How does this compare to my encounter with Bob Dylan’s songs during a quiet period in his career in 1972? I was 16, he was 31, and things were pretty quiet on the media front. Here’s episode 1 of my story looking for a complete unknown.

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Listen to the Lion

Van Morrison is a great explorer of the power of resonance and in “Listen to the Lion” he gives us a powerful example. It’s basically a love song, but it explores territories which are older and deeper than most love songs. It still resonates with me years after first hearing it. Let me try and tell you why.

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Astor Piazzolla’s Four Seasons of Buenos Aires

Composers have tried to put the seasons to music, so we can have them all year round. Antonio Vivaldi dominates the field with his Four Seasons from 1725. But since 1999, thanks to an arrangement for classical orchestra called Eight Seasons by Leonid Desyatnikov, a concert programme now alternates movements from The Four Seasons by Vivaldi and those by the Argentinian Astor Piazzolla from his tango suite The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires, also known as Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas. Let’s take Piazzolla out from the shadow of Vivaldi by taking a closer look at his Four Seasons of Buenos Aires.

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Astor Piazzolla et les Saisons de Buenos Aires

Est-ce le printemps ou l’automne? Attention! Changement de saison! Si vous êtes au nord, c’est l’automne qui pointe le bout de son nez. Au sud, c’est le printemps qui s’installe. Profitons de ce moment stratégique pour explorer Cuatro Estaciones Porteñas (Les 4 Saisons de Buenos Aires), la suite de tangos composés par le bandonéoniste argentin,… […]

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The Musical Box

Like most people, my musical box contains its own personal mix. You’ll find stuff about discovery, about heroes. There are recollections of those songs which just won’t stop playing on your inner juke box. There are also pieces on Tango, which I discovered in France, and which taught me to dance and to live and listen to music differently. I hope you enjoy the mix!

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Whole Wide World

Songsmith Wreckless Eric and that Special Someone. It’s summer up here in the Northern Hemisphere and time to fall in love again. How about making that definitive this time? Not as easy as it sounds? Questions like these are at the heart of (I’d Go The) Whole Wide World by Wreckless Eric which tells the story of a mother’s answer to her son’s despair at ever finding that special someone. Take it away, Wreckless!

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Rory Gallagher

Rory Gallagher onstage moved like a cat and played his guitar like a lion. He had a way of speaking between numbers which was natural. He hoped we were enjoying the concert. He thought we might like to hear something from the new album. Nothing was forced. He gave us gold from the end of the Rainbow.

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Taking Brother Bruce Home

Bruce Springsteen has often felt like a member of my family. Born seven years before me, he was the older brother I never had. What follows is about how a Bruce Springsteen album sneaked its way into my home in Harlow, Essex. The story starts in early 1973.

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