The Card Sharp

A street level encounter with primary orality All sound is inherently powerful. If a hunter kills a lion he can see it, touch it,…

The Card Sharp

Reading Jane Eyre at 13

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is required reading for Mrs Fullerton's Literature class. We have three weeks. But I have been resisting the prospect…

Reading Jane Eyre at 13

Shakespeare en français ? Vous plaisantez !

Les apports de la traduction Vous habitez une seule langue? Ou plusieurs? Personnellement, je vis perpétuellement en français et en anglais, avec un peu…

Shakespeare en français ? Vous plaisantez !

Shakespeare in French? You must be joking!

How translation helps Do you live in one language? Or more than one? I live perpetually in English and French, with a little Spanish…

Shakespeare in French? You must be joking!

Christmas in Paradise

Songsmith Mary Gauthier I don’t normally do Christmas songs, having sung one too many carols as a youngster. I see them as decorative and…

Christmas in Paradise

Say No More

Songsmith Steve Marriott I only had one Humble Pie record in my collection. It was the single Black Coffee, which I’d seen them perform…

Say No More

Benjamin Zephaniah, outspoken word artist

Be nice to your turkey this Christmas Benjamin Zepahaniah (1958-2023), British Carribean dub poet, actor, recipient of no fewer than 16 honorary doctorates, professor…

Benjamin Zephaniah, outspoken word artist

Dublin Lad Learns Morse

A Life In Stolen Moments Ken Kenny, our Dad, was many things in his lifetime, and among them was Marine Radio Officer in the…

Dublin Lad Learns Morse

Ce que racontent les verbes irréguliers

Façons d’apprendre et dissonances scolaires Oui, au commencement était le verbe. Et dans mon cas personnel, le verbe était anglophone. Les adultes nous reprenaient…

Ce que racontent les verbes irréguliers

Un pont au dessus de l’océan

Vous avez certainement entendu parler de Killers of the Flower Moon, l’histoire de la rencontre meurtrière entre les Osages, riche au-delà des désirs tous…

Un pont au dessus de l’océan

Un match de rugby en direct

Réel ou inspiré de faits réels ? La Coupe du Monde de Rugby 2023 permet de mettre un coup de projecteur sur un jeu…

Un match de rugby en direct

Saying it in your own words

Intralingual translation – Students vs Chat GBT When we think of translation in language teaching, it is typically interlingual translation; that is to say,…

Saying it in your own words


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