Taking Brother Bruce Home

Bruce Springsteen has often felt like a member of my family. Born seven years before me, he was the older brother I never had. What follows is about how a Bruce Springsteen album sneaked its way into my home in Harlow, Essex. The story starts in early 1973.

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A voice to be reckoned with

John Trudell John Trudell was an early member of and spokesman for the Native American rights movement and helped to promote a spoken word style that honors Native American oral traditions. POETRY FOUNDATION In a previous post, I mentioned Rébecca Kleinberger‘s work on the different voices we all have. She says that the voice with which we […]

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Who’s Dylan? Bob’s your uncle

My big sister Angie gave me Bob Dylan by Anthony Scaduto for Christmas in 1972. This would be the beginning of my journey into Bob Dylan’s world.The book was about history in the making. It was also an elaborate tale with no ending. Dylan seemed like the mysterious uncle in a family who people tell tales about. From Scaduto to Blood On The Tracks, these are the facts.

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