So what is the Subjective Classroom?

Once it is up and running, the subjective classroom is a busy place in which everybody is invited to contribute actively. The focus is on developing skills applied to meaningful content. Individual contributions are essential to the construction of what goes on, and people participate once they understand their voice matters. This is by no means simple for people more familiar with a more directive, objective classroom, but helping them change their perspective, even partially, is a mutually enriching process.

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Benjamin Zephaniah, outspoken word artist

Be nice to your turkey this Christmas Benjamin Zepahaniah (1958-2023), British Carribean dub poet, actor, recipient of no fewer than 16 honorary doctorates, professor of poetry and creative writing, left us yesterday. Already gone. But his work lives on. He encouraged people to read and he made people listen. He has always provoked surprise and […]

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Ce que racontent les verbes irréguliers

Façons d’apprendre et dissonances scolaires Oui, au commencement était le verbe. Et dans mon cas personnel, le verbe était anglophone. Les adultes nous reprenaient s’ils nous entendaient dire ou nous voyaient écrire I done it au lieu de I did it, mais c’était pour nous obliger à bien parler, à bien écrire. Tout au long […]

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