Ce que racontent les verbes irréguliers

Façons d’apprendre et dissonances scolaires Oui, au commencement était le verbe. Et dans mon cas personnel, le verbe était anglophone. Les adultes nous reprenaient s’ils nous entendaient dire ou nous voyaient écrire I done it au lieu de I did it, mais c’était pour nous obliger à bien parler, à bien écrire. Tout au long […]

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Learning to play rugby – tackle and scrum

After starting out this section on Learner Tales with a post in French about reading Jane Eyre at 13, it’s time for me to propose something in English. The articles in this section are part of a project about giving visibility to the routes people take in order to learn. We’re all human, but in […]

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Smoke Signals in the classroom

Learning how to begin a story When we start a story, we send out a signal to indicate our presence, get people’s attention, and invite them to connect to something different which is about to start. Once upon a time – or its equivalent – is a widely accepted signal for starting a story. But a […]

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Slow down, teacher, enjoy the journey

Learning to accept being the focus of attention The posts in this section of the blog are about The Subjective Classroom. Students and observers have often said that they find me calm as a teacher. If this is true, then it was by no means a given. I recently ran a short public speaking workshop […]

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Teacher’s voice – friend or foe?

Weaving, absorbing and telling a story This post considers issues raised when teachers become aware of their own voice and the way it sounds. It takes the example of when a teacher needs to tell a story to the class. Obviously, many of the observations will apply to any situation where you find yourself in […]

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