Is Shakespeare better in translation?

Today is William Shakespeare’s 460th birthday! How has he survived? How has translation helped?

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Shakespeare en français ? Vous plaisantez !

Les apports de la traduction Vous habitez une seule langue? Ou plusieurs? Personnellement, je vis perpétuellement en français et en anglais, avec un peu d’espagnol. J’aimerais partager un moment d’épiphanie vécu en novembre dernier lorsque j’ai assisté à la performance d’une pièce de William Shakespeare, le plus anglais des auteurs anglais, jouée en français. Cette […]

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Shakespeare in French? You must be joking!

How translation helps Do you live in one language? Or more than one? I live perpetually in English and French, with a little Spanish in there too. I’d like to share an epiphany moment from last November when I saw a play by that most English of English authors, William Shakespeare, performed in French. It […]

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Saying it in your own words

Intralingual translation – Students vs Chat GBT When we think of translation in language teaching, it is typically interlingual translation; that is to say, translation between students’ mother tongue and the foreign language they are learning. In France, where I teach English, this sort of translation is rarely used in a language lesson apart from […]

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