Look and say

I learnt to read at school. At first, that meant reading out loud while somebody listened. It was a public experience. This oralizing from words on a page felt strange but exciting, as if something was passing through me from the page to the sounds I uttered. It was like being part of something new. Although the ultimate goal would be to read silently, Mr Harding, a primary school teacher, reminded us that we could still sometimes break that rule.

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Reading Jane Eyre at 13

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë is required reading for Mrs Fullerton’s Literature class. We have three weeks. But I have been resisting the prospect of reading real books for a while now. On the Saturday morning of the final weekend of the three-week reading period, push comes to shove.

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Lire Jane Eyre à 13 ans

Il faut lire Jane Eyre de Charlotte Brontë pour le cours de littérature de Mrs Fullerton. Nous avons trois semaines. Mais je résiste à la lecture de vrais livres depuis longtemps.

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